Smart Clock
A smart clock that connects to your PC via Wi-Fi
Author: PIDGORNYI Mykyta
GitHub Project Link:
The main Idea is to create a smart clock that displays not just time and weather, but also your PC's vitals such as ram and CPU usage. It also has a GPS module to define their position and make a query to the weather channel.
I have Raspberry Pi 5 server at home. I host a website and a postgresql database on it so the problem of being aware of what's going on there is of vital importance for me. Right now I have to SSH + btop into my server all the time to see the system usage but after I get this clock done, I'll be able to just look on it from time to time to see how my rpi 5 feels.
Add here the schematics with the architecture of your project. Make sure to include:
- what are the main components (architecture components, not hardware components)
- how they connect with each other
Raspberry Pi Pico WH
- Microprocessor, this to connect everything all together
- Tracks the geoposition
- Will be connected to Pico using the driver mention below
- Buttons
- Screen
- Breadboard
- Connects all components together
Week 6 - 12 May
Accepted the hardware. Assembled the scheme to make sure all components work properly.
Week 7 - 19 May
Found the proper way of connecting components by using proper drivers, had to connect GPS tracker by doing I2C hardcode because it had no drivers.
Week 20 - 26 May
Add software to the project repo. It is now possible to connect PC to the PICO and see all it's vitals and time on PICO's display. TCP via wifi in the local network is accomplished by using PICO's cw43 WIFI module
RPi Pico WH RP2040- Microcontroller DFRobot GNSS - GPS Module PICO EXPLORER BASE - The base for the clock with a display, buttons and a breadboard
This is my whole digikey order:
This is assembled real-life schematic:
Bill of Materials
Device | Usage | Price |
Raspberry Pi Pico WH | The microcontroller | 33,48 RON |
TEL0157 | GPS Module | 83,24 RON |
PICO EXPLORER BASE | Base for Microcontroller | 133,92 RON |
Wires MALE - FEMALE | Connector from a component to the breadboard | 9,77 RON |
Wires MALE - MALE | Connector from a component to the breadboard | 9,07 RON |
Library | Description | Usage |
st7789 | Display driver for ST7789 | Used for the display for the Pico Explorer Base |
GPS | Drivers for GPS | Used as a GPS driver |