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A clock-in machine used to keep track of attendance.


Author: Oblu Alexandra
GitHub Project Link: (


This project aims to create a clock-in device using a Raspberry Pi Pico W microcontroller and a display module.


This clock-in device is designed to simplify attendance tracking, addressing the inefficiencies of manual systems. By automating the process with reliable technology, it aims to enhance accuracy and streamline administrative tasks for businesses.


  • Raspberry Pi Pico W: Chosen as the microcontroller unit due to its affordability and versatility.

  • Real-Time Clock (RTC) Module: Responsible for preserving time data even when the system is off.

  • LCD Display: Visual interface for the clock-in device.

  • Push Buttons: Input devices for clocking in/out.


  • Raspberry Pi Pico W: Chosen as the microcontroller unit due to its affordability and versatility.
  • Real-Time Clock (RTC) Module: Responsible for preserving time data even when the system is off
  • LCD Display: Visual interface for the clock-in device.
  • Push Buttons: Input devices for clocking in/out.


  • Raspberry Pi Pico W and RTC Module are connected via GPIO pins.
  • The LCD display is connected to the Raspberry Pi Pico W.
  • Push buttons are connected to GPIO pins of the Raspberry Pi Pico W.

Week 6 - 12 May

Got the needed parts and checked if the project was doable. This step involved understanding what each part does and planning how to put them together.

Week 7 - 19 May

Put all the parts together and connected the wires. This step required following the schematics closely and testing the setup to make sure everything worked properly.

Week 20 - 26 May


Hardware Diagram


Completed Robot



KiCad Schematic

Kicad schematic

Bill of Materials

Raspberry Pi Pico WMicrocontroller35 RON
Push buttonsInput devices1 RON
Real-Time Clock (RTC) ModuleTimekeeping18 RON
LCD DisplayVisual interface58 RON


embedded-halHardware abstraction layerUsed for interfacing with hardware peripherals such as GPIO pins and SPI for the LCD display
rp-halHAL for Raspberry Pi PicoProvides higher-level abstractions for peripherals on the Raspberry Pi Pico

1. RTC module: Datasheet

2. LCD display: Datasheet

3. Inspiration: RTC video

4. Inspiration: Punch clock