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Fire alarm system

A fire alarm system trigerred by a fire source or other sort of light source in the proximity


Author: Buta Iulia-Mirela
GitHub Project Link:


A fire alarm system trigerred by a fire source or other sort of light source in the proximity. It includes the following features:

  • Detection of the fire using a Flame Sensor.
  • Activating a buzzer alarm when fire is detected.
  • Displaying a warning message on a LCD display.


For my first embedded project I wanted to do something usefull for the everyday life and also to practice all the skills that I gained at the laboratory and at the course, and so I choose to develop a reliable and cost-effective fire alarm system using Raspberry Pi Pico that can detect and alert users in case of fire emergencies.


The architecture of the project is the following:

1.Raspberry Pi Pico W: Microcontroller unit responsible for processing and controlling the system.

  1. 16×2 I2C LCD Display: Display module for visual notifications and system status.

  2. Fire Sensor: Detects the presence of fire or smoke.

  3. Buzzer: Audible alarm for alerting users.

  4. Power Supply: Provides power to the Raspberry Pi Pico and peripherals.



Week 6 - 12 May

I uploaded the documentation where I explained a little bit about my project.

Week 7 - 19 May

I added the KiCad shematics and pictures of the project.

Week 20 - 26 May

I added the software files for the project.


  1. Raspberry Pi Pico Board – 1
  2. 16×2 I2C LCD Display – 1
  3. Flame Sensor – 1
  4. Breadboard – 1
  5. RGB LED Module – 1
  6. Jumper Wires – 10
  7. Micro-USB Cable – 1
  8. Buzzer - 1


Connection Overview:

  • The fire sensor is connected to one of the GPIO pins of the Raspberry Pi Pico for detecting fire or smoke.
  • The buzzer is connected to another GPIO pin to sound the alarm when triggered.
  • The 16×2 I2C LCD Display is connected to the Raspberry Pi Pico via SPI for displaying system status and alerts.
  • Power supply is connected to Raspberry Pi Pico for powering the entire system.



Bill of Materials

Raspberry Pi PicoThe microcontroller39 lei
BreadboardMotion Sensor9.98 RON
16X2 I2C LCD DisplayDisplay14,99 RON
IR Flame SensorFlame Sensor2,49 RON
BuzzerBuzzer1,4 RON
4 Mother-Father wires 30cmConnectors5.79 RON
6 Father-Father wiresConnectors2.85 RON


embassy-rpRP2040 pheripheralsUsed for accesing the pheripherals of the microcontroller
ag-lcdDisplay libraryUsed for writing to the display

1.Fire Alarm

2.Flame sensor
